The doting girlfriend. The damsel in distress. The evil seductress. The tough girl who dies. Why are so many female characters such cookie-cutter archetypes? Why do so many fictional women lack the depth and variety of character of their male counterparts? How can fans and writers work together to create richer stories with more well-rounded characters, female and otherwise? Here to discuss the many archetypes of women in fiction are a group of women dangerous in their own rights: Tamara Brooks (Comic Book Resources, Seat 42F), Dr. Janina Scarlet (Superhero Therapy), Jennifer K. Stuller (Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors, GeekGirlCon), Jessica Tseang (Little Geek Girls, comic book historian), Tamara Robertson (MythBusters: The Search), and Alex Langley (The Geek Handbook, Kill the Freshman). Moderated by Katrina Hill (Action Movie Freak, 100 Greatest Graphic Novels).